Friday, September 26, 2014

Happy Birthday! to me..

Just a heads up - this post might be a tad self-serving, but it will be good, I promise!

First things first, it is my birthday.  But I have a question: how does Google know that it is my birthday??

Seriously though, isn't that a little weird that an Internet browser knows when my birthday is??  Regardless of how strange that is to me - it is also really cool!!

Now, onto the nitty gritty.  Guess what I get to do for my birthday??  That's right - I'm going to the Blake Shelton: Time Times Crazier concert.  Woot woot!

I would like to thank my husband for this of course.  Before giving me the tickets, he made a card with this lovely gem of a picture that said, "Care to join me?"  Um..  Yes, of course I do!  Ahh!!  I couldn't be more excited!!  I have the best husband ever!!

The picture above of Blake is from the Lip Sync Battle that he and Gwen Stefani did on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.  Here is the video for it if you haven't seen it yet.  It's definitely worth your time!  Bask in all of it's glory, you will be glad you did.

Needless to say, I am a very happy birthday girl.  Blake Shelton is one of my most favorite artists, and I love watching him on The Voice each week.  I was singing praises and shouting for joy when I opened up the tickets; I pretty much looked like this this morning...

Too happy about this?  No.  I don't think so.  Just excited.  And showing my gratitude.  A BIG shout-out to my husband for such a great present!  And now I look like this at work, singing along to his album (and I will be all day)...  
As Gus and Shawn on "Psych" would say, "You know that's right!!"

In order to stay true to the title of my blog (All Twittered Out), I need to mention Blake's Tweet from this morning (see below).  Thank you, +Blake Shelton for coming to Salt Lake City on my birthday - I am so excited!  And thank you, +Shawn Fielding for the tickets - you're the best husband a girl could ask for!  Oh, and I can't forget to sport the new "Team Blake" t-shirt that Shawn got me as well.

How's THAT for media - Google, pictures, concert, music, videos, t-shirts, Twitter - all in one blog post!  And a very Happy Birthday to me, if I do say so myself.  It's going to be a good day (and night)!!  Thanks, y'all!!

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