Wednesday, September 10, 2014

And so it begins..

Literally how I felt after creating this blog...
The word I would use for my media experience today would be "laborious."  I use that word, because I probably spent two hours today simply setting up this new blog of mine.  Do you even know how many different codes you need to customize a blog???  Geez..  This experience has only verified for me that blogging, tweeting, facebooking, etc. is TIME CONSUMING.

Whether we realize how much time we spend with the media each day or not, the fact is that we are absorbed in it each day.

So what do we do about it??

That is kind of a loaded question, and more rhetorical than anything.  Answers will vary from person to person, as we all have our own views concerning media usage.  The most simple thing I can think of for myself concerning media usage, is to use it for good!  I know, I know - genius idea.

But seriously!!  Think about the good media can be.  Whether you are blogging, vlogging, tweeting, hashtagging, sharing, or whatever else there is to do, what you "post" can go a long way.  Our time with the media does not have to be narcissistic - let's stop the #DuckFaceSelfie and post things that have meaning, substance, and worth.

Ridiculously Good Looking.I don't want this blogging experience to be a bash on the media, because I will be the first to admit that I have my own "addictions" to the media.  I love television, movies, music, reading, and sharing my life experiences with my Facebook friends.  But am I sharing anything that really expresses who I am as a person?  Do people really know who Ayris Joan (that's me!) is?  What kind of image am I sending to those I communicate with?  Am I neglecting the real people around me?  Am I too absorbed with myself to take some time to share a positive message on my Blog or my Facebook wall?

Laborious is how this Blog began, but I don't want it to be a laborious or taxing experience.  My goal this semester, and for the future in general, is to take serious time each day to reflect on how media is affecting me in my life.  I don't want to be "all twittered out" by the media - I want to enjoy it, and I want to share my positive experiences with everyone.  Media is such a blessing, and I hope that I can take time to acknowledge the good it can do rather than the obsessions it can cause.

What are your thoughts on the media?  And what would YOU like to discuss about it?


  1. Ayris, I totally agree with you on this whole setting up the blog thing! haha I was reading through your blog and I was like "woah, these are my thoughts exactly!" Media is super consuming and it disgusts me when I see people wasting away their days doing absolutely nothing productive. Yes, media is great, especially when youre doing good with it (like you said), but only in moderate amounts. Like anything in this world, we shouldn't become addicted.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Brittney! Sorry I am a tad delayed responding to you.. But yes! I don't think we really get that media can be (and is) addicting. So what are we doing with our time?
